Name: Sonic the Hedgehog
Name of Amigo: Codename: Solid (Old) Snake, Real Name: David
Appearence of Amigo:
Personality: Snake is calm, cool and collected. He can keep his calm even in the most extreme danger. However even though he is described as a "Legendary Solider" and a "Hero" he does not think of himself as this.
Age: By 2014, Calendar Age: 40s, Physical Age: 70s
Game: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Standard Attack: M1911 Handgun
1st Skill, Ablility, and/or Weapon: M4 Machine Gun, 60 damage 70 SP.
2nd Skill, Ability, and/or Weapon: CQC Hold, Snake stuns his opponent using CQC. The opponent cannot move for 3 turns. 70 SP.
3rd Skill, Ability, and/or Weapon: Grenade, hits all enemies dealing 50 damage, for 70 SP.
4th Skill, Ability, and/or Weapon: RPG Rocket Launcher, 90 damage, 100 SP.
5th Skill, Ability, and/or Weapon: Stun Grenade, stuns all enemies for 3 turns, 90 SP.
History with your Amigo: *Spoilers* Snake was born in the early 70s as a part of the 'Les Enfants Terribles' project. Which created three clones of the greatest soldier of the time: Big Boss. The genetically superior clone, Liquid Snake, the genetically inferior clone Solid Snake, and the exact replica of Big Boss: Solidus Snake.