ArceusName of Amigo:
SpiritombAppearence of Amigo: a pale brown rock that emits a purple, messed up vortex that has a face that is also messed up. it also has green blobs on the vortex
Personality: Is dark, twisted and full of hatred due to having been imorisoned for 108 years.
Age: Unknown
Game: Diamond, Pearl and Platinum
Standard Attack: Dark Pulse
1st Skill, Ablility, and/or Weapon: Will-o-Wisp: 15 SP Burns opponent: halves damage done by opponent (for 2 turns) and inflicts 1 damage every turn
2nd Skill, Ability, and/or Weapon: Ghost/Dark Typing Normal attacks do not affect spiritomb, nor do fighting attacks and nor do psychic attacks
3rd Skill, Ability, and/or Weapon:
4th Skill, Ability, and/or Weapon:
5th Skill, Ability, and/or Weapon:
History with your Amigo: Arceus was walking along route 209 when he came across hallowed tower Spiritomb burst out of the tower from his keystone and challenged Arceus to a fight, Spiritomb was defeated and decided to join Arceus seeing it as a way to get stronger