Amigo's name:Roxas
apearence of amigo:
Personality:Easy to lose his temper, Roxas is close to being Sora's oposite.He is brash and also kind.
game:Kingdom hearts 2,Kingdom hearts 358/2 days.
Standard attack:Double slash-each keyblade does 5 damage,if you get hit by one,he can still miss with the other.
1st skill,ability or attack:Gravity-20 sp.Does 20 damage and Roxas flips the gravity of wherever they are.
2nd skill,ability or attack:Full Control-Roxas takes control of Sora as himself, gaining a kingdom Key and using Sora's standard attack with Roxas' 1st,3rd,and 4th specials.
3rd skill,ability, or attack:Counter-does how much damage done to Roxas.40 sp.
4th skill,ability, or attack:Final Limit-max sp had at this point(example:when I have 250 max sp it takes 250 sp.)Roxas goes in and repeatably slashes opponent.
History with amigo:In Kingdom hearts 1,Sora released his heart,creating his nobody Roxas. His story is told in the game 358/2 days. He was an organization 13 member, and left. He was beaten in a fight and in Kingdom hearts 2 he was in a virtual town. He found Sora and became one with him again. Sora can have Roxas help out in battle.