There are plenty of annoying things in gaming, but which one is most annoying? This is the poll where we decide once and for all what is the most annoying thing in videogames(not counting responses such as "This game is terrible" or "Lincensed games"). I voted for "Watching a long cutscene that you can't skip, then having to watch it over and over again after dying because of the boss you keep dying to." This is what is annoying about it:
After watching a cutscene for the first time, you pretty much understand what is happening in it and want to get right back to the game, especially if it is super long(ten minutes or more). Then lets say there is a really hard boss battle directly after that and you die and the save marker was before the cutscene. You then have to watch the cutscene again, and you won't be too infuriated yet. Then, lets say you die again. You would be pretty mad by then, and will try to tweet on your phone during the long cutscene. This will keep repeating until you ethier beat the boss or quit the game.
Some battles are fun even when you do lose, so it minimizes some of the frusteration. For example, the cutscene before the Shadow Queen battle in PM:TTYD isn't 10 minutes, but is still kinda long(about 5 or 6 minutes). However, the boss battle is fun and I was not very frusterated after losing 4 times. This is one of the many games that does this right. More games, however, do the oppisite of what this game does.
So, what is the thing you hate about Video Games?