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Video Game Maddness

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Raiden Empty
PostSubject: Raiden   Raiden Icon_minitimeSun Feb 17, 2008 1:56 am

Name: Raiden (Real name: Jack)

Gender: Male

Good or Evil: Good

How do you look: Gray hair, Mostly wearing black assassin suit, (In the sequel Metal Gear Solid 4 Raiden is in a robotic like suit for battle improvement) -
Raiden Chara_raiden
Mech-like suit -
Raiden MGS4Raiden

Strengths: Trained reflexes in his normal black assassin suit. But while he is in the mech-like suit mainly used for hand to hand combat (used in metal gear solid 4:Guns of the patriots) gives him the abilities of superhuman strength, speed, and agility.

Weaknesses: Depends on which suit he is currently in. His Black assasiantion suit provides him with the attributes of a bullet-proof vest and nothing more making his weakness anything but a bullet. While his mech-like suit gives him strong protection against most impact (Wont use to cheat in final smash)

Homeland: Uknown

History: Raiden is initially introduced in the Big Shell chapter as "Snake", serving as a member of what appears to be a newly-reinstated FOXHOUND. He is then given a new codename, "Raiden". Through encounters with Solid Snake and the Sons Of Liberty terrorist unit holding the "Big Shell" facility, he discovers he is being manipulated by a powerful government-controlling organization known as The Patriots. Raiden was originally part of the Liberian Civil War during the early 90s, where he was orphaned. Taken under Solidus' wing (due to him having killed his unidentified parents), Raiden is trained to become a child soldier and the leader of Solidus' Small Boys Unit. Being good at the massive amounts of killing, he was given nicknames like "Jack the Ripper" and "White Devil." Raiden disappears towards the end of the conflict, taken by The Patriots.
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Number of posts : 1186
Age : 29
Registration date : 2007-10-02

Character Status
Level: 12
Raiden Left_bar_bleue195/195Raiden Empty_bar_bleue  (195/195)
Skill Points:
Raiden Left_bar_bleue185/185Raiden Empty_bar_bleue  (185/185)

Raiden Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raiden   Raiden Icon_minitimeSun Feb 17, 2008 2:56 am

Nice, Approved!!
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Head Mod
Head Mod

Number of posts : 3102
Location : Mushroom Kingdom
Registration date : 2007-10-02

Character Status
Level: 32
Raiden Left_bar_bleue765/765Raiden Empty_bar_bleue  (765/765)
Skill Points:
Raiden Left_bar_bleue755/755Raiden Empty_bar_bleue  (755/755)

Raiden Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raiden   Raiden Icon_minitimeSun Feb 17, 2008 11:43 am

Awesome Raiden is my favorite character from metal gear solid!
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Raiden Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raiden   Raiden Icon_minitime

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