Name of Amigo:Daxter
Appearence of Amigo:
hes about 1 ft tall
1st Skill, Ablility, and/or Weapon: Punching (he can get his anywhere and when i say anywhere i mean it:pale:)
2nd Skill, Ability, and/or Weapon:bug-spraer (blinds people kills bugs no matter how big.)
3rd Skill, Ability, and/or Weapon:little sword (well if he can get his fists anywere imagine those places wacked with swords)
4th Skill, Ability, and/or Weapon:precurser powers (allows him to heal jak and throw balls of light energy that destroy what it tuches but destroys itself(not 1 hit death))
5th Skill, Ability, and/or Weapon:The Ultra Sonic gun (shoots out little blue bomb things that kill an area of bugs around you.(hurts people))
History with your Amigo:well they where best friends until daxter fell in a pool of dark eco and changed into an ottsel when they were out at mysty island now jak and him are still trying to revers the effects after more than 5 years:affraid: