1. No Illegal Words. We have young users here so don't curse a.k.a. saying illegal words.
2. Don't Spam! If you don't know what spam is then look
3. Your character has to be from a Video Game (now we don't require them to have originated from one,) or you can create your own character.
4. Only one character. (From a Video Game, or you can come up with your own original character.) ONLY one character if I find out that you have two accounts then you will be banned or maybe deleted.
5. When you create a character please make sure that the character you want isn't taken. (This is only if you have created a canon character.) We don't want two Sonic's running around, now do we?
6. When you begin you have to have 50 health every 100 posts you get 10 more health if you do not follow these rules I will ban you. Also you begin with 40 skill points and for every 100 posts you get 10 more skill points. Also we have added levels to the character sheet. You begin at level 1 and for every 100th post you gain a level.
Now, every 500 posts theres a thing called a "Level-Break" thats when your HP/SP gains an extra 5 HP/SP per level. You continue to get level breaks every 500 posts until level 21. Then it grows at the rate it is then. (Which is 30)
Example: When your levels 1-6 you go up by 10 HP/SP per level. When your levels 7-11 you go up by 15 HP/SP per level. When your levels 12-16 you go up by 20 HP/SP per level. When your levels 17-21 you go up by 25 HP/SP per level. And finally when you hit levels 22-26 your HP/SP goes up by 30 HP/SP and for the rest of career on VGM your HP/SP will go up by 30 points each level, no more, no less.
7. If you have any questions or problems just PM me or a Moderator.
There is lots to do here, you can go on adventures, make friends, spar with opponents, fight in tournaments, create new things, so... You can basically do anything here so have fun!